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Why You Should Spend On Motion Graphic Ads

Motion graphics basically refer to digital footage or animations which look like they are moving, even though they actually are not. They are a great way to catch audience attention, as are videos. But unlike videos, these are much simpler to create and do not require you to spend on expensive equipment. Similar to infographics, motion graphics are highly effective in conveying complex information.

In the era of video marketing, people are no longer as receptive of written content and this is where motion graphic ads score. Profitable video marketing efforts necessitate a dedicated team of designers, editor and scriptwriters. You may not always have the budget to hire so many people all at once.  

Motion graphics offer a more affordable alternative. You can hire a video production company offering video production services and they’ll craft you the motion graphic ad you need.

Movement is attractive

Motion graphics will appeal more to the audience than an image ever could. Animations and videos capture audience attention like nothing else. However, animations are less bulky in file size and less taxing on the webpage. They can help enliven up your content and contextualize it better.

Also, with motion graphic ads, you can choose the tone of your voice. You can have a serious, business-like approach, or a fun-filled casual effect.


A few reasons why you should try motion graphic advertising

Here are some reasons why you should hire the services of a video agency and inculcate motion graphics as part of your marketing formats –

·             High engagement and retention rates – According to statistics, people are more likely to sit through ¾ of an animated or video content than they would read copy. Not only this, animated content like motion graphic is more conducive to sharing and being passed around on social media than textual content.

·             Shareable content – Motion graphics can be easily accessed using any multimedia device. So, when you market your brand using motion graphics, you have a greater chance of reaching your target audience. People are, in general, keen on animations. So, motion graphics offer you an easy format to play with and devise viral content.

·             You can design a cohesive brand identity – Motion graphics allow you to incorporate your brand logo or message into the content very subtly. You can leave a powerful impression on your audience when you inculcate your brand message into the design, movement or music of your motion graphic ad somehow. You need to find a way to be immediately recognizable to your audience in today’s highly saturated market. Motion graphics allow you to stand out by using every possible aspect of it to send your brand message loud and clear. The same isn’t possible in live-action formats.

·             You can enjoy high returns on little investment – For content to be effective today, it needs to be informative as well as engaging. The beauty of motion graphics is that it allows you to present complex data in a manner understandable to the common public. If you can portray research data and facts simply, the audience will look up to you for your honesty and want to build a relation with your brand. Again, motion graphics is incredibly easy to consume. You don’t need to really invest a lot of effort into consuming it.


Motion graphic ads give high conversion

Motion graphic ads are not only good for brand building, but they also drive conversion. You can embed a motion graphic into your website and notice what this does for your website’s SEO and click-through rate. Motion graphics are also profitable when used in email campaigns. To sum it up though, motion graphics outperform any other marketing content.

So, what are you thinking of? Hire yourself professional video services from a video production agency and give your brand image a boost. Motion graphics are quick and easy to create, as well as affordable. You don’t need to spend as much as you would for video production, and yet, you could be enjoying the same benefits.

What more could you want? We are among several such video production enterprises providing video and animation services for hire in NYC. Get in touch to learn more about us and what we do.