Casting Services: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Casting Services in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. We are the award-winning triumphant organization striving hard to provide our clientele with the best digital video production, storyboarding, casting, pre-production, post production services and many more. From idea to reality our entire team works round the clock to offer state-of-the-art services that has never been offered before in the world of visual content creation.

Casting is a vital and fundamental step in the entire process of video creation. A smart cast can bequeath trendy and rational ideas that can help video producers to create videos even better. The actors, with smartness should also possess real talent to make any add or a video truly momentous and worth watching.

Casting is not just a one step process. When the most talented performers are selected then a second session of selection is repeated by the top decision makers to scrutinize the best flair around.

Melty Cone have good and long-lasting terms with most of the renowned artist casting agencies around. We select the best cast ever for all of our videos. The wide and distinct range of talent industry allows us to select a variant cast for all our shoots. We ensure variation, distinction and sensation in all the videos produced under the banner of Melty Cone.