Creative Development: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Creative Development in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone tenders electrifying solutions for all kinds of businesses. We takes the pride to have astounding group of professionals that are capable to produce bizarre videos for our clients to tap success and sensation in their business. 

Video development is one of the most challenging jobs of the time. It needs creativity, passion, innovation and thinking beyond imaginations. All these entities when combined under the wrapper of first-rate quality and distinction can drive any organization to the highest levels of triumph. 

A good video starts with a powerful script. Then comes the story and other factors that make a video impressive or otherwise. One more significant aspect for producing a video is the location. You need suitable location as per the story demands. Besides location, it is the style of your video that can make it either successful or simply worthless for the audience. Professionals and experts producers know how to do that.

Melty Cone feels proud to proclaim having best shooting locations and latest technical equipment on site. At every step our team takes special care of the requirement parameters to ensure you get the best visual content ever.