Crowdfunding Video Company For New York & New Jersey


Melty Cone is a Crowdfunding Video Production Company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone is well-known for making videos that can drive your business to the next level.

Overcoming the Challenges of Video Production

Making crowdfunding videos is a challenging job. One need professionals to produce them. Since these videos promote ideas instead of some product or service. You have to convince the audience to invest in your idea.

How to Get Buy-In For Your Crowdfunding Project Video

The video should be comprehensive enough to explain every bit of your idea and simple enough to attract more people to invest in. Viewers are more interested to hear about rewards. The crowdfunding video should elucidate about what people will get in return. The message should be conveyed in a persuasive manner. Investment from the general public is guaranteed only if they find the idea reliable, profitable and beneficial to them.

The very first step while making a crowdfunding video is to give an impressive introduction about yourself and your business idea. Tell them why they should support your thought. Finally, give them a list of their rewards and benefits that they will get once the business is successful.   

Get In Contact With Us For Your Video Production Needs

The professionals at Melty Cone think out of the box to create exceptionally stunning videos. We ensure that the audience invest in your idea by portraying a win-win situation for both of you.