Finance Videos: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone creates finance videos in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. The business world these days faces some new challenges. The fact of the matter is that the financial industry isn’t just a fast-paced world anymore, it’s also a market where new regulations are making it harder for companies to make a profit. Also, today’s product and customer service expectations are higher than they’ve ever been. Finally, the financial industry is currently facing its highest turnover rates. With new challenges facing these companies, there’s one thing that’s made the stress a little easier; videos.

Videos have helped financial institutions in many ways. First, videos can be watched by anyone, anywhere, at any time. This saves a financial institution money, allowing them to be flexible in training potential employees and helping them to better identify business opportunities. Additionally, business events such as conferences, seminars, and trade shows can benefit from videos. Videos can also help to drive media awareness, extend a brand name, build networks, identify strategic priorities, and showcase new products. Finally, videos can help complete any sale as a customer receives face-to-face interaction. This is better than them reading a brochure or blog because studies show that 85% of buyers are more likely to invest if they see an explainer video first.

In sum, videos help the financial industry in more ways than one.  

There are so many reasons for any financial company to use a video in promoting and selling their business, therefore, it’s a good idea to hire a professional. Melty Cone Video is a full-service production company, so we understand the production process down to the very last detail. Any business, small or large, can rely on us to produce a quality video. We understand how important your business is to you because we’re a business. Therefore, we promise that you won’t’ be disappointed in the videos we produce for your financial institution.