Hospitality Hotel Videos: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NY, NJ


Melty Cone is a hospitality hotel video production company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Making a video for a hotel is a lot like a real-estate video; unique qualities of the property should be featured. This is because these are selling points as they’ll help the hotel to stand out from the competition.

This is why making a video is so great. It can really show off any property in a way that photographs just can’t; it’s the next best thing to your customers actually being there. People are also more likely to remember information that’s shown to them visually, than if they read about it on a blog or ad. Text tells people about it, but videos show them.  

For this reason, it’s important that the video looks good. However, if you’ve never done any video production work before, it can be very challenging. Fortunately, there are some great video production companies out there like Melty Cone Video that can do the work for you.

As mentioned before, showing off a property and its unique qualities is important but how it’s shown off is important as well; things like lighting and correctly editing the video can really make a difference. This is why it’s a good idea to hire a company like Melty Cone. We’re a full-service production company, meaning we cover every step of video production. This way, you don’t have to worry about a thing as we’ve got ever step covered with effective communication and teamwork. You won’t have to worry about how your video will turn out because we’ll listen to everything that you want to get out of it. Let us take care of the hard video production work. You’ve got a business to run.