Indiegogo Video Company: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone is an Indiegogo Video Production Company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut for Businesses, Companies and Marketing

In the world of social media, where most of the people would rather watch videos than read a lengthy article for gathering information on the internet, having a simple textual crowd funding campaign would in no way suffice. While you might be supporting a really powerful and virtuous cause, it is absolutely essential to project it in the form of an intriguing video that not only captures the attention of your viewer, but also lures them into going ahead and making their contribution to it. In other words, if you really wish to raise the desired funding for your Indiegogo fundraiser, you must stay in sync with the current internet trends and depict your cause by means of a well designed video to attract the attention of the viewers.

The basics of creating a powerful Indiegogo video

Given the fast paced life of today, it is absolutely imperative for you to ensure that your Indiegogo video is strong enough to convey your message in a persuasive manner within a short time frame. Speaking of which, you must ensure that your video campaign contains a short yet intriguing script that appeals to the people who watch it. Since, you are required to wind up your clip within 1-3 minutes, it is important to develop a script that captures the attention of the viewer within the first few seconds of its starting. Some of the most successful Indiegogo video campaigns provide the viewers an interesting sneak peek into the cause or project that needs to be supported by means of the given fundraiser. Apart from crisp and clear visuals, your Indiegogo campaign must also be accentuated by means of a suitable music piece that goes with the theme of your fundraiser.

You need to remember that your campaign is the primary channel for advertising your cause among a bunch of strangers who know nothing about you. In order to make thing easier for them, you must ensure that your Indiegogo campaign not only provides them valuable insight into your idea or project, but also gives them a convincing reason to connect with you and invest in your campaign.

Say Hello to Melty Cone

At, Melty Cone we understand exactly what your Indiegogo campaign should look like and are committed to delivering on your expectations at an attractive deal. Our expert team of designers and technical professionals is driven towards designing high quality Indiegogo videos and provide your idea a tangible and worthwhile embodiment.

We design our video campaigns in sync with the 5Ws of marketing and ensure that your viewers are provided with a valid reason to make a contribution towards something that you believe in. Our Indiegogo videos effectively demonstrate your thoughts and objectives and convey the essence of your message in a crisp and concise format. Our Indiegogo videos not just ask for funds from your viewers, but also invite them to join you on your journey.

For more interesting details on who we are and what we do, please contact us!