Instructional Video: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone is an Instructional Video Production Company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut for Businesses, Companies, and Marketing.

You may have heard of YouTube, only the biggest online video-sharing website. With an audience of more than 60 million people every day, YouTube has earned the top spot. From funny cat videos to understanding the concepts of time and space, this website has all kinds of videos. This variety is what makes them so successful, and this is an idea you should also incorporate if you’re looking to expand your business.

How are instructional videos useful?

Instructional videos, as the name suggests, helps the viewer learn something or understand something better. These videos are very useful, especially because they allow the viewer to master the subject conveniently and at their own pace. With an instructional video in hand, a viewer can watch it as many number of times as they’d like, so their convenience becomes a prerogative.

You can use an instructional video for anything, from kindergarten classes to training new employees. It is very beneficial to have instructional videos regarding your business and processes uploaded onto your company website so clients or employees can view them whenever they like. When you upload an instructional video onto your website, you’re providing your clients with information and instruction on how to correctly use your products or how they can maintain them. These videos will also serve as how-to guides for your employees who can access them at their leisure and master skills or processes, which in turn help them to be more productive.

The biggest advantage of having instructional videos on your company website is that, unlike lengthy paragraphs, they are more interesting and interactive. This is especially useful when people are trying to learn something new. Most people would rather watch a video than read long, boring texts. An interactive video helps them understand the subject better and keeps them more engaged than information mentioned in regular text.

With videos, you’re also saving people a lot of time. Reading a lengthy paragraph can take a long time, but you can cover the entire subject in a matter of minutes with a video. Even the most complex of processes can be explained in a few minutes with the help of some graphics. Using videos to teach people is also a great way of keeping them engaged because they are looking at and listening to another person instead of reading text. This helps them connect with the person in the video and understand the subject easier.

Why you need instructional videos

In relation to the points mentioned above, instructional or explainer videos are a great way of keeping your clients engaged. They also work very well as promotional tools, which is what every marketer needs. All you have to do is upload them on your company’s social media pages, and you can sit back and watch as more and more people learn from your videos.

Making an instructional video can be slightly challenging, which is why you need professionals like Melty Cone, one of New York City’s best video production companies. Our highly skilled employees will help you create the most interesting and stimulating instructional videos for your business.