Mobile Video: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone is a Mobile Video company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. We are one of the prominent video production companies in the city, renowned for producing high quality videos for variant platforms.

Creating video for cell phones is a demanding job and needs highly skilled professionals to make one. While making mobile videos, producers should keep in mind different sizes of the mobile screens. A good video looks perfect in every show.

Mobile videos also follow same set of standards like any other online video. There should be no compromise on the quality of the video. Similarly, the script of the mobile video should be powerful as well. Time management is again the most important factor in mobile videos just like other videos even more complex here.

The mobile audience is more strenuous to persuade as the viewers are always in rush while watching videos. You need to convey your message as well as impress the audience in first few seconds of the video otherwise all your efforts go worthless.

Melty Cone creates good quality, well scripted, timely managed mobile videos to promote your business with style. We have a large clientele across the globe for the excellence of services we provide to them. We would love to serve you as well.