Pitch Video: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone is a Pitch Video Production Company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone is an all-star renowned company for producing high quality and high definition digital videos to drive your business beyond imagination.

Pitch videos are usually different from other type of videos. The key purpose to create a pitch video is to raise money, unlike brand recognition videos where the aim is to spread awareness about some product or service.

If your video is compelling enough to generate required amount of funding then it is successful. A thriving video is not made just over a night. It needs a lot of hard work, creativity, passion and out of the box thinking to hit the target. You need to follow certain steps to lead your pitch video to the victory stand.

Start with a good development plan considering it as a foundation of the entire production process. Try to focus the target audience only. Sum all your energies to create a video that crafts positive impact on its viewers. Video should be convincing enough to persuade the audience to contribute.

Melty Cone has created not just videos but successful pitch videos to empower audience spirit of sponsoring and supporting one another. Just let us know about your idea and we will manage all the rest efficiently.