Post Production: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Post Production in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone owns a team of experts who know how to create a masterwork by using latest technologies. We deliver right as per the upcoming trends and highest standards that makes us one of the leading video production companies around.

A good production company not only copes with ongoing projects, in fact, great companies do offer post production services as well. It is all about integrity and pride. Outstanding companies take care of variety of services after producing a striking video such as Broadcasting, Sound effects, Voice-overs, Video Streaming, Color Tweaking, Visual Effects, Motion Management and so on.

Melty Cone with an exceptionally trained and skilled team offers variety of post-production services to its entire range of clients across the globe. We develop a strong bond with all our clients that doesn’t terminate with the completion of the video but goes on beyond that. It is our duty to provide remarkable post-production services to our clients. Melty Cone believes it is the time when our assistance needed the most. We commit and we deliver right as per your expectations and requirements. If you already have created a video and want to add style & quality to it, Melty Cone would be pleased to offer its services to make it a real hit.