Set Construction Services: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Set Construction Services in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone is a prize-winning organization serving in the video production industry for years. It offers multi flavored services to its entire range of clientele across the globe. All the service flavors include script writing, storyboarding, video production, video prop services and the list goes on. You can find everything that you can dream of to drive your business towards the heights of success under one banner at Melty Cone.

Anyone can produce a video, it’s not a big deal but making a high quality and momentous video is a challenging job. You need strenuous efforts and extremely dedicated team to proceed with viral video production. Besides everything a good video demands for a perfect set. No matter how good your concept is and how compelling your script is, if you have not presented it well then all your efforts go wasted. A suitable set right as per the demands of the scene can attract numbers of audience. Set construction can either make your video standout or completely out of the business.

Melty Cone with its talented team of professionals know how to construct a set that can make your video appealing and attention-grabbing from start to end.