Social Media Video Company: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone is a Social Media Video Production Company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut for Businesses, Companies, and Marketing.

Never underestimate the power of a video. It can reach thousands and millions of people across the world as long as it is on the right platform. As anyone with access to the Internet has, you have probably watched a funny dog or cat video on Facebook or Instagram. This very same video would have been viewed millions of times by people from all over the globe. That is the power of a video and that is the power of social media.

Why is social media so important for a business?

If your business does not have a social media page, then you’re already behind everyone else. With everything turning digital, you can’t remain physical anymore. Getting on social media gives you an edge in the competition, and all you have to do is spend a few hours on this every week.

The Internet is a vast, endless vortex, and it’s up to you to harness that power. Once your business becomes digital, you’re increasing its recognition, traffic, and most importantly, sales with almost no effort at all. You’d be surprised to know that more than 90 percent of marketers have agreed that social media has helped their companies and businesses generate a lot of exposure. Social media is so effective that it has now become a substantial aspect of almost every company’s marketing strategy.

Social media can help increase your brand awareness since you are given the opportunity to engage with countless people all over the world. This, in turn, results in increased inbound traffic, resulting in more potential clients and higher conversion rates. Social media pages also help you communicate with your existing clients and ensure that everything is up to their satisfaction. These platforms are also a great platform to increase your network. Another important advantage of using social media is that it is very cost-effective. Creating a page on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is free, so you don’t have to set aside a budget specifically for this.

Creating videos for your company’s social media

As mentioned earlier, social media is a great way to bring in new customers. So, should you just post text updates or are there other tools you can use? The answer is everyone posts text updates, so you should do something different to attract more people. The solution is to upload informative and engaging videos on your company’s social media pages so people are aware of what you do and updated with the current happenings of your business.

Videos on social media are also an excellent way to create some buzz when you’re about to release a new service or product. Videos can help get the word out and people will know that there’s something exciting to look forward to. You could upload these videos on your company website as well, but you cannot expect the same kind of footfall as you would for a social media site.

You could also use videos to educate and train your customers. For this, you will need an engaging, interesting video, and who better to help you produce that video than Melty Cone, only the best video production company in New York City. Visit our website for more information on how we can help you make the best videos that will boost your business through the roof.