Sound Design: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Sound Design Services in NYC, New York, New Jersey. For a dedicated team nothing seems impossible and strenuous. Melty Cone takes all the pride in this regard to own a team of collaborative professionals. They are working round the clock to drive your business to the next level through the videos they craft. Our clients prefer us among so many production companies just for the high quality services we provide to them.

Sound designing is an art. It needs the field experts to be completely involved in the scene and apply suitable sound effects to the video. Not anyone can design good sounds, it needs more than just few usual skills to be a sound designer. Since, sound plays a very important role in video productions therefore businesses could not afford to compromise on sound factor.

A powerful sound design can make your video viral whereas an ordinary sound effect can disappoint the target audience. Here arises the need of exceptionally skilled sound designers to craft videos that can make real difference.

Melty Cone offers awe-inspiring and astounding sound designing services to create awesome promotional videos for your business. We believe best sounds can reach farther and grab attention of maximum audience. Therefore, Melty Cone feels pride in adding powerful and striking sound effects to any video to make it a real hit.