Video Finishing Services: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone is a Video Finishing Services company in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Visual and sound effects are two important pillars to construct a good video while another one is color correction. Professionals nowadays apply latest techniques to rectify colors and the overall theme of the video. Colors should be wisely selected and put into set-up to attract attention of the target audience. A colorful video if created professionally can create long lasting effects on viewers’ minds. Only experts can do the job perfectly.

Melty Cone owns a team of highly qualified professionals who are working round the clock to craft momentous videos for its entire range of clientele across the globe. We know the power of selection of appropriate color schemes. Thus add influential and striking colors to your visual content to promote your business even better. A chance given to Melty Cone would embellish your perception about video production companies in wholesome ways.

A good service provider not only just offers audio-mixing services but also pre-production and post-production services to its clients as well. It is all about beats and managing them properly altogether. Businesses should search for studios equipped with latest technology and paraphernalia to add perfect audio to their visual content. There are numbers of studios around offering services like that but only few know the key to adding audio effects that make difference.

Melty Cone being one of the best audio mixing service providers in town knows how to do it with quality and style. All you need to do is just book an appointment with our consultant and get ready to add exceptionally outclass sound effects to your video.