Web Video: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Web Video Production in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone works beyond imagination to create absolutely influential web commercials that have never been created before.

Web commercials are distinct from television commercials. Many businesses don’t realize these variances and create single ad for both the mediums. Generally a marketing strategy doesn’t recommend this approach. Web commercials are for targeted customers while a television commercial is all about brand recognition.

Web commercials require immediate response from the viewer. It is based on the concept of Call to Action. Experts discourage the practice of showing same commercial on Web and Television for timing reasons as well. The television commercials are for few seconds and that’s not an idyllic timeframe for a web commercial.

A powerful web commercial is far better than simple online content as it explains your business well and viewers show more interest towards videos. Thus, web commercials can create immediate sales leads. 

To generate leads, businesses do need proper consultancy and guidance in terms of creating web commercials. Melty Cone creates a sense of urge and passion in audiences. If you are striving hard to get a large number of clientele, we can help you achieve this through our striking web commercials.