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Video Marketing Trends for 2019

It's very clear to companies now that video marketing is pretty much the only way to go about things in the near future. It doesn't matter what the purpose is – most businesses do and will continue to rely on video marketing to get the word out. This is true for almost every industry under the sun.  

In fact, as time passes, it's becoming quite apparent that video marketing should be leveraged as a core marketing strategy. Video marketing will continue to exert great influence on the way businesses communicate with their customers.

Recently, Rutz Roberts Productions, a major video marketing firm based in the US, shared a few statistics about the future status of video marketing.

They discovered that more than 80% of internet traffic in 2019 will consist of video marketing.

Another interesting finding suggested that video-embedded email marketing will become a thing and will cause click-through rates to go up by 300%.

Also, it was found that incorporating videos into a website's landing page will boost conversion rates by roughly 80%.

On the whole, video marketing is the future. However, there are a few key trends that we need to keep our eyes on, as they are predicted to shape the future of video marketing.



Smartphones are an intrinsic part of the human experience today. Can you even imagine a single day without your mobile device? We'd bet a good amount of money that your answer to that question is a resounding “No”. 

We carry our Smartphones and Tablets wherever we go and that includes even the bathroom. This dependence on smart devices is unlikely to change. In fact, our dependence on these devices is likely to grow further and further.

Needless to say, manufacturers have caught on to our need for such devices. They understand that these devices are not just mere accessories, but an extension of our personalities. Today, the average smartphone or tablet is capable of capturing high-definition video that can only be described as impeccable in terms of quality. So impeccable that even Hollywood doesn't think twice about using these devices to shoot their films.

With such high-quality video production being more accessible than ever, video marketing is no longer the domain of the larger enterprise.



Vlogging has been a rarely used ingredient in the video marketing mix. However, with personalized marketing growing in significance, businesses have started to realize that vlogging can be a pretty effective tool for business growth.

Plus, there is also the technological angle. Today marketers can embed POV videos into blogs using virtual reality technology. This allows for some interesting content, capable of boosting conversion rates considerably.



Educational videos aren't exactly a new idea. They have been in use for a considerable amount of time and are commonly referred to as e-Learning videos.

Now, e-Learning videos are predominantly used within the education industry, as they eliminate the need for brick and mortar classrooms. This reduces cost and also provides students with a healthier and more practical learning environment.

The same benefits can be realized for businesses, especially in terms of customer service. For instance, businesses can create explainer videos or “how-to” videos that educate customers about how to use certain products and even troubleshoot common issues.

This will allow businesses to establish relationships with the customers and build brand loyalty.



Mobile video has always been a big part of video marketing. However, TVs are still the preferred choice for viewing videos, which, in turn, determine the resolution in which videos were produced. Most of the time, it’s the standard landscape or 16:9 resolution.

However, habits are now changing. A good amount of the video content today is viewed on mobile devices. According to statistics, around 45 minutes of video content is viewed on a mobile device by the average person.

In fact, by 2019, the number of hours spent viewing content on the internet will surpass the number of hours spent viewing content on the television. Just take a look around you and you know how accurate this prediction this.

Now, thanks to the growth in mobile video viewership the preferred resolution today is vertical-square, such as the one used on social media platform Instagram. In fact, the square video format is more common than you think. For instance, 78 % of the video content on Facebook uses the vertical-square resolution.

These are some of the trends that will shape video marketing in 2019. So, keep an eye out and adapt when opportunity strikes.