Motion Graphics: NYC, New York, New Jersey, NJ, NY


Melty Cone provides Motion Graphics in NYC, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Melty Cone comprehends the use of latest technologies and following recent trends in crafting videos. We know audience like new idea, smart content and stylish ways to produce a video. Melty Cone have a team of expert professionals who are working round the clock to deliver what we commit. Our clients prefer us to other contestants in the video production industry for our innovative approach and excellence of service we provide to them.

Motion graphics is as important to any video as its color, sounds, music and script. It can create an alluring effect to the video and keeps the audience engage. It needs passion and lots of creative skills to be a striking graphics designer. Businesses need not to overlook the significance of a professional and inspiring graphics designer. Only specialists know the difference of 2D and 3D videos and therefore accordingly add their sequences to them.

Melty Cone offers out of the box motion graphics services in town. With the use of surpass technology and cutting-edge tools we ensure innovative and unconventional motion graphics services to our entire range of clientele worldwide. Our professionals are capable of making any video just a real masterpiece with their unique sills and strenuous efforts.