2021 Video Marketing Trends To Leverage For Instant Success

Video content has seen a rise in its consumption since its inception in the last century. It has been the go-to marketing ploy for many brands and has worked tremendously for people and brands that have invested in video at some point or the other.

Like everything else, there are video marketing trends that come and go. It is in your best interest to be savvy with them as the younger generations respond better to current styling. It could be the designs or the way the video is made that strikes a chord with your demographic.

You should extensively research what is the in thing and try to implement those techniques in your video. Since the internet is now available to most of the population, video has been the most consumed media by a long shot.

Video content offers an audio-visual experience that engages the multiple senses of the viewer. This makes them pay attention to the ad and makes a long-lasting impression on them. Kids as young as 7-8 have the ability to remember the tag lines in your ads. This only shows how effective video advertising can be for all demographics.

Here are a few video trends that will dominate 2021 -

Live Videos

Your die-hard fans and followers love to interact with you on any social media platform. Facebook and Instagram have these live streaming options and Youtube has also incorporated them now. They have been a hit for many influencers and musicians as they can deliver unfiltered audio and video from the comfort of their homes.

This makes the fan know more about the genuine side of the people and brands and how they react to things in real-time. This also drives the engagement on your channels and makes you look more approachable. Live videos will only grow in demand as people like more fun and spontaneous content. 

360-Degree Videos 

These were a great phenomenon a few years ago, but they are making a comeback in 2021. People have now fully realized their potential and how they can be especially useful in many settings. Adventure sports enthusiasts and travelers love this.

Whether it be your backyard or your new installation in your factory, a 360-degree video can make everything look exciting. It gives a different view of the same product but distorts it just enough to make it interesting. This trend combined with action cameras like Go pro will definitely dominate 2021.

Embedded Links

These links have already been a hit on social media, but embedded links in videos are going to be the next big thing. You will be able to navigate to the product's website directly from the video and easily buy it.

Gone are the days when you would have to look in the description or the caption for the link. Embedded links in the video make the transition from the video to the landing page easy and intuitive. This makes the potential customers more interested in your product as it is easy to access on their part.


Vlogging is easy and fun-filled for most people. It has been on the rise for many years and will continue to dominate 2021 too. Vlogging has become extremely popular due to the informal nature of the videos.

The creator can say their unadulterated thoughts and usually have little or no bias when reviewing or showing things. They might not be cinematic in nature but are appreciated due to their simplicity. This is why 2021 will be a great year vlogging. 


Remember when your favorite TV shows had a crossover episode, its the same concept but with your favorite brand or people instead. Many people who follow a certain brand or personality also tend to follow similar accounts.

Collaborate with other accounts in your niche and help each other grow. Livestream together or making videos together will definitely help your video advertising game in the future.

Immersive Ads

Video advertising or video ads that have the ability to pull on people’s heartstrings have always been a hit. Longer ads demand a narrative that can easily be digested by people. Historically, people have responded well to such ads and this will continue in 2021 too. 

Such ads have a long-lasting impression and people then associate the video with your brand easily. This creates trust and credibility subconsciously. They greatly improve the engagements and views and are easily one of the better-performing types of video ads. 

Product Demos

People like to see things in action and this goes for everything. Remember when HomeShop18 had a demo section in their video. That section alone convinced most people to buy the product. Not only that, they were also convinced that the product actually worked. 

Do not underestimate the power of demonstration. You can easily get even the most fickle-minded buyers to trust you if your demos are quick and effective. This is one trend that will definitely become more prominent in 2021 and beyond. It is best that you start including this in your video as soon as possible. 

If you are looking for a video agency in NYC, we at Melty Cone will be more than happy to help you. We offer video production and video marketing solutions to our clients under one roof. We have worked with many prominent brands in the past and will be more than happy to work with you too. 

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!