A Starter Guide to Creating and Marketing a Sustainable Business

Demand is rising for environmentally friendly businesses that help protect the planet instead of hurting it. If you're considering starting a company of your own, you might consider going the eco-friendly route so you can do your part to save the earth while also earning money. There are many types of green businesses you can pursue and promote in an environmentally conscious fashion. This article provides a "greenprint" to ecopreneurship, taking you through the startup process from business development to marketing.

Understand what constitutes a sustainable business

When deciding what type of green business to start, begin by educating yourself about what makes a business green. There are many ways you can make your future company sustainable, for example by offering remote work to cut down on carbon emissions, using second-hand supplies, and recycling and composting whenever possible. Implementing energy-efficient upgrades is another option. The point is that your business itself doesn't necessarily have to be sustainability-focused in order to be eco-friendly.


Look to other sustainable businesses for inspiration

If you're struggling to decide what type of business you want to start, look to existing companies for inspiration. 99 Designs provides a roundup of earth-friendly brands to get you started. Beyond Meat helps to reduce carbon emissions related to the meat industry, for example, while Patagonia sells active wear while supporting eco-conscious agendas. Another great example is Green Toys, which sells toys crafted of 100% recyclable materials and made fully in the United States, reducing logistics burden and carbon emissions.


Draft a business plan for your eco-friendly business

Once you've decided what type of business you want to create, it's time to get organized. Create a business plan that outlines your goods and services, and provides a structured outline for how your business will be run. It should include a marketing plan, financial projections, and an operational overview. Don't forget to incorporate eco-friendly points into your plan. For example, if you plan to source materials locally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, make a note of this.


Create a comprehensive overview of sustainable startup costs

Once you have your business plan in place, you can come up with a list of startup expenses. Starter Story has a list of common costs associated with founding a green business, from software to advertising and marketing. Once your list is complete, you will have a comprehensive overview of how much money you need to get your company off the ground. You can then figure out how to get funding, for example by taking out a bank loan or consulting angel investors or venture capitalists.


Define your brand and start marketing sustainably

Once your company is ready to start operations, it's time to start marketing your products to attract your first customers. You can help visualize your go-to-market strategy using a ready-made template that covers all the essential points for you, from your business plan to your product-specific details. Once you have a strategic plan in place, you can start developing marketing content. Video marketing is a great way to engage with customers, and experts like Melty Cone Video can help you create the quality videos you need.


Prepare for the unique challenges of ecopreneurship

Starting a business is exciting. However, it can also be tough. Prepare yourself for the potential challenges. For example, you can help avoid bottlenecks by investing in technology designed to streamline operations, from cloud computing to customer service and project management tools. It's also helpful to network with other green business owners who can provide the support you need when business challenges arise. Organizations like Green Business Bureau are a great way to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Ecopreneurship allows you to pursue your passion for saving the planet while making money. The above guide provides some actionable advice to get you started.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!