Top 5 Videos Every Business Could Use

Videos are the most preferred way of content consumption nowadays. People spent an average of 1.5 hours watching online videos in 2018. In 2022, the average has risen to 2.5 hours per day. That is why 86% of businesses have video marketing as a major part of their marketing strategy.

Videos are indeed an incredibly efficient way of presenting information. However, creating videos, and especially deciding what videos to make, can be challenging.

So, here are the top 5 videos every business could benefit from.

Product videos

Did you know that 72% of buyers would like to watch a video to know more about a product or service? 84% of them were convinced to buy a product or service after they watched a brand's video.

Product videos showcase the features and benefits of your products and services. More often than not, these videos show how a product or service works. It can be very helpful in attracting buyers who are still in the consideration stage and are looking for a more detailed explanation of what your brand has to offer.

Product update videos are also a great way to keep your current customers informed about the latest upgrades to your products or services. Educating your customers about the new features could increase product adoption.

Explainer videos

Explainer videos are informational videos that help your customers solve a problem. It could be related to your product or service, or any other topic. The goal of explainer videos is to give your audience enough information so that they can take action.

Explainer videos are very successful with 96% of people watching an explainer video to learn more about a product. The best part, 88% of them were convinced to buy a product by watching explainer videos. If you have not included explainer videos in your video content plan, you need to do so now.

Onboarding videos

Having a strong video marketing or video advertising strategy could help convert your leads into paying customers. But what after that? You need to make your customers feel welcome and at home to encourage brand loyalty.

Onboarding videos can help educate your customers to know everything about what you have to offer. These videos help your customers get off on the right foot with your product or service.

Whether you make the videos in-house or hire a video agency, ensure to polish the messaging of your onboarding videos to make them easy to understand and valuable.

Testimonial videos

9 out of 10 people trust what other people have to say about a brand rather than what a brand says about itself. 92% of buyers read online reviews and testimonials before making a purchase. Additionally, 72% of buyers trust a business that has positive reviews and testimonials.

Testimonial videos can show the positive impact that your product or service has on real customers. Hearing from a customer could be invaluable in building trust and attracting new customers.

Sales presentation videos

When you think of sales presentations, you think of PowerPoint slides, don't you? It's time to change that.

Businesses nowadays work with clients all over the world. The biggest advantage of a sales presentation video is that your prospects can watch it at their own convenient time. Not only will they appreciate your planning and efforts, but they will also get a lot more information than from an email.

So, have you included these video ideas in your video production plan yet?

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!