Video Marketing Trends That Ruled In 2019

Every year is subject to new trends in fashion, music, and advertising. Some of these trends last and enter the rulebook as valuable practices, while others are discarded over time. 2019 is almost on its way out. If we were to survey the video marketing trends that stood out this year, which would they be? We discuss in our article below –

Live streaming – Every successful video agency engaged in providing live streaming services to their clients this year. Why wouldn't they? Live streaming was one of the dominant video marketing practices of 2019. Take Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform. Facebook saw its live streaming services being used to the hilt this year. Live streamed videos are capable of holding audience attention for longer and also report better user engagement.


Pinterest videos – Ever since Pinterest introduced video content on its website, audience interest for the web platform had been high. In 2019, it launched its auto-play feature, which proved incredibly beneficial for advertisers on the site. The new features also increased more user activity on Pinterest as a whole. All of this only made Pinterest videos an effective video marketing medium for any video agency. The fact that the cost charged by Pinterest for marketing videos was significantly low only helped make Pinterest videos a video marketing trend that ruled this year.


Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality videos – Any video agency worth their salt provided AR/VR video services for their client in 2019. Augmented and virtual reality videos experienced an in exhaustive demand, and it only made sense for video production services to offer the same to their customers.


Short-form videos – Facebook COO noted in 2019 that most Facebook users are partial to videos running no longer than 30 seconds. So obviously, video production services took this into account and busied themselves with perfecting the short-form video. Clients too wanted short videos designed by their video production team that would help market their products and services to busy clients and customers who may not have long to spare. The short-form video marketing trend really left a mark in 2019.


Marketing videos went shoppable – Video production teams of various manufacturing companies began offering shoppable video content. They experimented with trying to include buttons into their videos that would redirect to their merchant sites, where the viewer could make a purchase. Research found that videos helped seal a prospect's purchase, and video agency units working for manufacturing and retail companies seized this opportunity to develop shoppable videos this year.


Vertically-shot videos – If there's any video format that proved a winner in 2019, it was the square-shaped or vertically shot video. Every video production agency realized that this video format took up more screen space than footage shot in any other format when shared on social media. Audiences prefer these square/vertical shaped videos over horizontally shot videos and watched them more. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram further cemented this trend for video marketing in 2019.


Subtitled videos – Research found that close-captioned videos found more audience than those without any subtitles. So of course, subtitled videos were a trend in 2019. Additionally, the fact that including text as closed captions in videos improved SEO only helped make this one of the better performing video marketing trends for 2019. A subtitled video isn't just helpful for individuals who do not understand the language; it also benefits those who'd much rather keep the sound off in work or other public situations. Video production agencies realized the worth of making their video content understood this year, more than ever.

While only some of these video marketing trends will carry over to 2020, others may not make the cut. We have discussed the dominating video production trends that were popularly received in 2019. These trends were not only popular with the audience, but they were also consequently made famous in the entire video production industry.

No video agency can expect to meet client demands in 2020 if they weren't aware of the video marketing trends that made news in 2019. We hope our article was of use to you and that you can use it as a guide going forward when you sit to crafting your video marketing practices for the next year.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!