Why Video Content Is Important For Businesses On Social Media?

By going through the statistics of social media, one thing is clear – video marketing is gaining significant importance on every platform. On YouTube alone, people watch over 1 billion hours worth of content every day.

A study shows that 72% of the customers prefer to learn about services or products via video over other formats. Similarly, Facebook showed that people are 1.5 times more likely to watch a video when they are on their smartphones.

Since the audience is content-hungry, you should make it a point to use videos on your social media platform. There are several reasons why companies hire the services of video production services in NYC. Given below are the reasons why you should invest in video content for your business when using sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter:

 Be on top of search results

As a business, you want to make sure you are on the first page of any search engine’s results. When was the last time you checked the second or third page of Google? With video content, the chances of appearing on top of the search results increase significantly.

The question on your mind is – how is this possible? When you have videos, people spend more time in your page. As a result, the search engine understands that you have excellent content, boosting your rankings significantly. With the right video production agency, this won’t be much of a challenge.


Easy to explain everything

The problem with text-based content is that not everybody can grasp it easily. People also need visual cues, which help them understand and digest information about your products and services.

For example, if you plan on selling something to your target audience, you should make explainer videos. The reason is that people prefer to watch them, rather than read manuals you provide. There are several video production companies in NYC, which can do the same.


Improves sales and conversions

You certainly want your business to achieve its sales targets to increase the profit margin. Video content has the power to boost your revenue, so with it, this is almost definitely about to become a reality.

When you have a product video on your social media page, the chances of converting users to customers goes up significantly. A study has shown that when you create explainer videos about your products and services, consumers are more likely to purchase them.

Think about it, there are plenty of companies that offer video services in NYC. All you need to do is approach them, create the right content, and you are good to go.


Increases reach on social media platforms

Take a look at some of the most popular videos on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You will observe a common trend among these types of content. They always have high number of shares.

As you already know, when people share your content on social media, it will appear on the news feed of their friends. For your business, this is free publicity, and it can increase your reach substantially.

According to a recent study, users are more likely to share branded videos on social media platforms, if they find it entertaining. The right video production company can help you in this area since they have the knowledge to create the best content as per your requirements.

Video marketing is a powerful technique that you cannot afford to ignore in this day and age. As there are hundreds of millions of people on various social media platforms, now is the time to invest in the services of a video agency.

With the help of this type of content on social media, you can increase awareness of your brand among users. Engage your target audience with videos, so that it is beneficial to your company.

Whether you are a large firm or a startup, creating social media videos has become easier than ever, thanks to companies that offer video production services. As all the big names in the business world are already pouring their resources to create this type of content, it is time you jump into the same bandwagon. Up the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns on social media with the help of videos.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!