Why You Should Use Color Grading When You Post Process Your Video

Color grading is used during the post-production process of a video to effect a certain mood or aesthetic. It also allows you to make digital effect changes, so you can either make it day or night in the video you have shot. Color grading should be used in the correct manner to give your videos the right results.

Overusing color grading can be just as detrimental as under-using it. A video production agency will be able to meet all your color-grading and post-production needs. A person’s ability to color grade gets better over practice and its best to leave the color grading of your video to a professional agency that provides video services.

How can color grading affect the mood of your video?

Color grading can help you manipulate the dynamics of a scene. If you want to express melancholy in your video, you can accompany the tragic scenes with the blues amplified. If the intention is to convey violence or anger, the reds could be increased.

The audience's mood is receptive to such subtle changes and will get affected accordingly. One needs to learn about color theories and when to use color grading. A video production company will have the knowledge necessary to carry out the same.

Color grading also has a bearing on the tone. It can help establish a specific tone – warm colors encourage feelings of happiness where dark colors elicit negative emotions. On the other hand, an image that hasn’t been color graded can look flat and boring.


Why is color grading a worthy addition to your post-processing efforts?

Color grading makes the images in your video stand out. When you color grade your videos, you sharpen them and make the details on them prominent. The sharpness of detail catches audience interest. Being able to capture audience interest is of utmost value in a market saturated with digital content.


You can use color grading to make your videos synonymous with your brand

It is more often difficult than not to come upon one’s signature style. Even if you aren’t the one color grading your own videos and are instead paying a video agency to do your color grading for you, you can instruct as to the colors to be used. By repeating the same color tone and overall aesthetic in all your videos, you could design an individual style for your brand.

So, every time the audience would chance upon your video, they would recognize it as yours even before the video ends. Such recognizability is precious and can be incredibly beneficial for your brand.


Color grading pays off

If you have been hearing a lot about color grading and would like to try it out on your videos, you should get in touch with a video production agency. The video agency will take care of your color grading needs for you. If you want this agency to use a certain color scheme, you can definitely ask them to do so. They will expertly color grade your video to give you the results you want.

Color grading has so far been overlooked in the post-production process and unfairly so. It can transform the feel of a video by putting the focus on emotional highs and influencing audience behavior, as a result.

Color grading is a powerful storytelling tool. Sure, it might seem overwhelming if you try to 'DIY it' all by yourself. A better idea would be to outsource the work to a video production company which has experience with such post-production processes.


Color grade your videos with professional video services

Color grading is an acquired skill that certainly needs a lot of practice and effort. There are many resources available online for anybody interested to pick up the skill. However, if you are a beginner to color grading and would like your video color graded, it is probably better if you don’t try to do this on your own.

Hire a video agency and they will happily color correct and grade your video for you. You will not regret having had your video color graded as now, and it will be more appealing to the audience. It will also be able to extract more response from them.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!