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4 Reasons Why Your Video Marketing is Not Yielding Results

As a video marketer or video agency, you may have those moments where your hunches over marketing may take an unexpected route, leaving you high & dry.

Despite investing huge amounts of resources and time, and even after producing great video content, your marketing strategy is not able to meet the end goals. But trust us, there are no bad distribution channels that are causing failure, but only bad marketing strategies.

Video marketers or in fact any marketing personnel love to see their strategy working but most of them don’t see the expectations meeting the reality.

But to make things easier, we’ve discussed four reasons why your video marketing strategy might be failing. So, let’s dive into it and try to get your A-game back on!

1. Maybe You Missed Out On Your Goals

You don’t buy a smartphone when you really need a bike. Well, the same goes for your goals with video marketing. Your goals should be definite, well defined and planned out.

Before you start off with your video marketing goals, you should ask yourself if you need better CTR (click through rate), better engagements, improved brand image or good ROI.

Did you know? Approximately 18.6% of people who want to do video marketing don’t know how to begin. Hence, those people start off with no goals in mind, they try & fail and try to figure it out overtime.

However, you should start with predefined goals that goes well with your aim. Because video marketing is not only about putting out videos to get views. But it’s about getting the right views and engagements that lead towards your goal.

So, what’s the best thing to do? After you’ve defined your goal(s), start off with A/B testing. This might sound like a lot of work but trust us, it’s essential to know what’s working for your business.

2. Are You Not Aware Of Your Audience?

You might have heard about boomerang and might have also played with one. If so, you would know - what goes around, comes around. That saying is also true in video marketing.

Targeting the right audience would bring you the right results. So, during your strategic planning, it is crucial to understand your audience. Why? Because if you don’t know who you’re targeting, how could you get what you want from them?

Video marketers love making viral content and we’re sure you want to make one too. So, the question you should be asking yourself is - are you aware of your audience?

Remember, your audience is your driving force.

  • Define your audience’s demographic to understand the persona clearly. This entails researching your target audience’s age, gender, income, ethnicity, location, education, employment status, marital status, etc.

  • Next, design your target audience’s marketing persona that aligns with your video marketing goals.

  • Understand their persona, even empathize with it to identify key pain points. Because let’s face it, effective video marketing is addressing pain points to bring out the best CR. For example,

  • What kind of daily products can make their lives easy?

  • Are the current services they’re using not sufficient?

  • What’s their age? Are they looking for stationary items, a planned vacation or a dream home?

  • How can your product/service make their lives easy?

3. Maybe Your Message Is Not Clear

Every piece of content that you create and distribute should have a clear message, especially video content. For starters, you should not confuse your target audience with too much information in one video or too little information that they don’t comprehend what they saw.

Be clear & precise with what you want your target audience to see, consume & understand about your service or product. Confused audience is a lost audience.

During video production, keep in mind the message you want to convey to your audience. Because not spreading the right message might be the number one reason why your video marketing strategy is failing.

So, what should you do? Spread a single message with a particular video content and a particular video marketing campaign. It may sound heavy on the pockets, but it’s the most effective way to make your target audience understand what you want them to understand.

4. Inclusion of a CTA

You created awesome video content that made your target audience stop and watch it. Bravo! But what good will it do if the audience doesn’t know what action to take after the video is over? Should they share the video? Go to your website to buy that latest sweater? Subscribe to your channel or maybe join your community?

Incorporating a CTA can make that confusion go away and encourage your audience to take the step you want them to, after the video. Although it may sound like a little thing, it’s extremely crucial for your video marketing strategy.

However, if you miss out on including CTAs in your video content, you might lose all the audience that is hooked to your content. Because they don’t really know what to do next. And this might be the reason why your video marketing strategy is not working out the way you intended it to.

A simple text like “Sign Up” or “Call Now” or “Check Out” or “Buy Today” can make a huge difference. Remember, CTAs are not just texts or buttons but they act as a roadmap for your target audience, bring you loyal followers and of course, good leads.