7 Signs Your Business Needs to Hire a Video Agency

Are you finding it tough to tackle all the ‘to-do’ jobs on your list? Are you feeling dejected because the sales figures are dropping despite your marketing strategies? Do your competitor’s videos always look better than yours? Are your videos failing to say what you want to express? Give it a thought…Are you handling your video marketing well?

Video marketing is as important as product development and operations. Without proper video marketing strategies, businesses can suffer major losses. Video advertising or video ads are the answer to modern marketing!

video agency ny

Not investing time, research, effort, and money into marketing can be one of the costliest mistakes any business can make. In today’s fast-changing digital landscape, it often becomes impossible for small and medium-sized businesses to keep up with the changing scenario.

Are your video marketing efforts falling short? If you have an iota of doubt about it, here are some cues that tell you it’s high time to hire a video advertising company.

You know videos work but don’t know how to make them

Love the videos that pop up on your social feed and want something similar for your business? The question here is, do you have the time and know-how for making good videos? Creating attention-grabbing videos that make your video advertising efforts pan out doesn’t happen by accident. A lot of thought goes into the process, starting from conceptualizing ideas, creating video content, video production, building a campaign, and so on.

If you have no clue about how to put a successful video marketing strategy in place, a video agency is a right place to seek help.


You’re busy and don’t have time to make videos

No business is easy to run. Marketing is vital, but it is far from being the only aspect of your business. You may have too much in hand with new launches, settling accounts, meeting clients, and have no time to make video ads.

There’s so much to look after and understand, whether it’s a video format, video style, video content development, motion graphics, or SEO. It takes time to become well-versed with every aspect of video making.

New products need publicity and you know video marketing can work wonders. Act before it’s too late and look for professional help.

You have ideas but don’t know how to express them graphically

You may have excellent video ideas to promote your business but don’t know how to put them together. Those ideas can be the ladder to success - don’t let them slip away just because you don’t have video-making skills. Video production agencies can get the job done for you. All you need to do is to look for the right one. See their portfolio and previous work before entrusting them with the video-making job for video advertising. In professional hands, your ideas are turned into visually appealing results.


Video marketing is not your forte

You have many long videos that talk about your business, but customers are disinterested? Good videos aren’t just visual effects and good music. The concept and video content are of prime importance. The art of video production involves an engaging script, appealing format, and creative ideas that are different from your competitors. A commercial video production agency knows how to eliminate unnecessary distractions and get to the point while keeping people’s attention focused.


You are trying to save money with poor quality videos

Is your website full of DIY, poor-quality videos that no one’s watching? You may be harming more than helping your business. Studies show poor quality videos have a negative effect on video advertising. It gives a bad impression about the business, its products, and its services. To maintain a good image of your company, you need professional-quality video ads.


You have no video marketing strategy in place

Just posting random videos on your website or social media is not considered a good digital marketing strategy. Solid video strategy, well-researched audience information, production plan, cost-effective shooting locations, appropriate video content, and post-production distribution, all need thoughtful consideration.

These are specialized jobs that are handled best by professionals who have been trained to do them. When you have decided to invest in video marketing, why not do it in a professional way?

Videos are missing from your website and marketing strategy

If you want your business to be seen, you need video ads. Without videos, your website may be boring and dull. If you compare movement and sound versus still photography, anyone can guess which fares better in the world of advertising. Videos create better brand awareness, communicate ideas better, influence the decisions of buyers, and rank higher in searches. Good ads can be conversation starters and a matter of discussion….That’s exactly what you need!

Adding professionally filmed videos to your website can make it interesting and appealing to customers. Once they are hooked on your videos, chances are they will pay greater attention to your business.

To Conclude

Impressive video content is considered the most powerful advertising tool in today’s world. Videos help the consumer understand products and services better. Not only that, but rightly made videos form better connections, build trust, and have longer retention spans in the customer’s mind.


If you are looking for a professional video agency that can help you with video marketing, video production, and video content, check out Melty Cone. We are a video production marketing company in NYC and are happy to help out with your video needs!

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!