Are You Making Video Content That People Actually Want To Watch?

What was once an afterthought for brands in their marketing strategy has quickly become the major player in attracting new customers. Videos are taking over and here’s why.

Why choose videos for marketing?

It was estimated that in 2021, the average person would be watching 100 minutes of video per day. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - Every social media platform that could incorporate video sharing into their interface, has already done so. Primarily video-based platforms like YouTube and TikTok have practically exploded, with YouTube reporting a consumption of more than 1 billion hours’ worth of videos every day.

So why do people seem to love videos so much? Simple answer, they’re entertaining.

Videos offer engagement with dynamic content on their screens. This draws people in, without them having to do so much as lifting a finger. As we continue becoming increasingly visual beings, these numbers will only go up!

So, we know people like their videos, but do they like them as ads?

Turns out, Yes! Hubspot reported that 72% of customers would rather learn about a product through videos. As for convincing, a survey by Wyzowl showed 84% of people were willing to make a purchase after seeing a video because that gives them more clarity. Video marketing gives you a mere few minutes to make a sell and here we have a couple of pointers to help you do so.

Video Advertising Mantras

·     Include brand identity and story

While making the video ask yourself, “What image do I want to show?” or “What do I offer that other brands don’t?”. Include a story of how the brand came to be, from the roots till where it is now. Often entrepreneurs have moments that lead up to the formation of their company. People love a ‘rags to riches’ story, a dream become reality. Really hone in on that to make your prospective clients feel connected to the brand. Know your story and narrate it such that they want to listen. Try to make your customers feel related to the brand, make them feel seen.

·     Keep it short

As can be seen from Vine’s popular 6-second video model, short videos are what people want. With an increasing demand for instant gratification, it’s been seen that people rarely ever choose to watch advertisements over the 30-second mark. So, make your video ads as compact as possible. Convey your message in a clear, concise way without making the video too boring for the customer.

·     Make it human-centric

People trust people, not brands. Appeal to them using clients you already have. Get testimonials and put them in the video. Show them how your brand can make a difference. Show them what your customer base got by purchasing from YOU and not other brands. Customer testimonials add a very genuine touch to video ads. Prospective buyers are more likely to listen to people who’ve bought the product rather than the seller.

·     Authenticity matters

Have a script ready but don’t rely on it entirely. Too much scripting ends up making a video ad seem too robotic and less trustworthy. The more organic your video, the better. Put in a few candid clips of people working. Such raw, unedited footage gives your video a very honest appeal and draws people in better.

·     Plan in advance

Chalk out exactly what needs to be done ahead of time. There is no need for very high-end filming gear. If you don’t happen to have the budget for investing in them but still want high-quality video, it is a good idea to go to a video agency. Have a storyboard prepared and begin the filming with a very clear idea about your end goal. Know exactly which audience you’re appealing to. An advertisement about woodworking tools would not be meant for small children for example. Engage them as much as possible, leaving a question at the end works well for that purpose. It makes the customers feel heard and it makes them feel part of a group, or family.

·     Actions speak louder than words

Try to keep the information and data given to a viewer through your video to a minimum. Video advertisement needs to be kept simple and appealing. If the consumer feels bombarded by too much information at once they would prefer not watching the ad. Instead, demonstrate what your brand does by showing them. Often dynamic shots of products are taken in a way that make them look sleek and attractive, grabbing the audience’s attention. Visual representation in your video content can go a long way. After all, if they wanted textual information, they wouldn’t be watching your video in the first place.

·     Know what your main focus is

For video marketing, make it a point to have set-goals about what your video is to achieve. Is it to show a demo of your product to prospective customers? Do you plan on showing customer feedback in it? Is it to answer frequently asked questions? How many specs are to be explained in the video?

Once you have all these questions answered, ensure you have a monitoring mechanism in place to track the view-count. The only way to check your video marketing campaign’s success is to keep a track of the audience that converted from ‘prospective’ to ‘actual’ buyers.

Overall, your video should answer one question, “Why”?

At the end of your video ad, your customers should have a good idea of what your brand is all about and why they should choose your company.

If you are interested in video marketing, video production and, having video content made for your brand, then check out Melty Cone. They are a video production marketing company in NYC and are happy to talk with you about your video needs!

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!