How to Create Personalized Sales Videos

Personalization has become more or less the norm when it comes to marketing, and the personalization of video content has become hugely successful for many brands. In fact, according to Salesforce, a whopping 58% of customers reported that having a personalized experience is very important for them when they are making a purchase from a company.

 Personalized sales videos are effective tools in catching and keeping the attention of your audience, increasing conversions, strengthening brand loyalty, and improving customer satisfaction. So, how can you create personalized sales videos for your video marketing campaign?


Why should you make personalized sales videos?

A personalized sales video is a video that has been tailored to the details of a specific customer. This means that it is a sales or promotional video that contains their name, their company name, email, logo, their photo, or any other personal information that can be used to identify them.

Since the video content has been personalized for each viewer, it creates more of an impact. When viewers see their name or picture on the video, they are compelled to pay attention and see or listen to what the video has to say.

Today, viewers are bombarded with thousands of content on the internet every day. It can be a challenge for brands to stand out amidst the sea of texts, images, and videos and keep your audience engaged. This is where personalized sales videos come in. With their powerful visuals and compelling, customized content, it is easier to catch the attention of viewers and build a meaningful connection with them.

Personalization is applicable at all stages of the lead funnel. It builds awareness, sparks interest, creates desire, and then influence viewers to take action to make a purchase and become paying customers. This means that you are likely to see a positive impact on your conversion rates while also seeing a significant boost in your engagement.

It becomes easier for you to break through the noise and leave an impression on your audience. Besides, seeing their name or a picture or any other detail on the video makes them feel valued and appreciated. This, in turn, encourages brand loyalty and trust.

So, personalized sales videos are a form of video advertising where the content is tailored specifically for each viewer. This makes it a powerful strategy that brands and marketers can no longer ignore in this day and age.


Different ways you can use personalized sales videos

The best part is that personalized sales videos can be used in several ways. Their versatility makes them an asset in any video marketing strategy. For example, you can use them in emails, in webinar follow-ups, inbound lead management, ABM and sales, customer service, as well as for interacting with your customers and clients during the holidays.

The importance of personalized outreach in all stages of sales communication cannot be denied. From your initial conversations with a lead to your efforts in turning them into returning customers, personalized sales videos can work wonders for your business.


How you can create personalized sales videos

Now that you know just how impactful personalized sales videos can be for your business, you may be wondering how you can create one. The most important advice is that you must work with a trusted video agency that knows what they are doing. When you find an agency that understands your goals and have the skills required to create effective personalized videos, only then will you see the results you wish to see.

Here is the basic outline of the process of creating personalized sales videos:


Video pre-production

 The pre-production involves conceptualizing the video, creating the script, deciding on the visuals and direction, and the overall video content. This is when you should get creative because it’s an opportunity for you to impress your audience.

It is important to note that if your video contains a larger storyline or script, then the personalization should fit in smoothly and not look like it has been included there just for the sake of it. It shouldn’t feel out of place.


Video production

 The next step is video production, which is the stage when you bring your video ideas to life. This involves the shooting of footage that you are going to use in your video. If you are not going to use any shot footage, you can also use stock videos easily available on the internet.


Video post-production

Post-production is the editing of the video content. You can piece-up your video into its final form, ready for viewing. It is imperative that your video editing team keep in mind any relevant personalization guidelines so that you can be certain you are not violating any regulations. Once the edited video is given the green light, it will be processed and rendered.

After this, your marketing team can take the reigns and make sure that your personalized sales videos reach your audience promptly. 

Personalized sales videos have become hugely popular today. For brands that wish to cultivate customer trust and loyalty, while also increasing engagement and conversion, they have become an integral part of a successful video marketing campaign. So, why not invest in personalized sales videos too? Get in touch with a trusted video agency like Melty Cone Video today!

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!