The Importance of Video Advertising for E-commerce Brands

The e-commerce industry is one of the most lucrative and fastest-growing industries in the world today. As expected, competition between various e-commerce companies is cut-throat. Many brands have found that video advertising is one of the most effective strategies for increasing sales and strengthening customer loyalty.

Whether you wish to advertise your brand in general or you want to highlight new products or new features, video marketing allows you to be creative while still making an impact on your audience so that you can meet your business goals. 

Below, we look at the different reasons why video advertising is such an important strategy for e-commerce brands today:

  • Video advertising allows you to showcase your products better

The great thing about video ads is that the main focus is on the visuals and the impact your video content creates on the viewer. With e-commerce being an industry where customers largely make purchasing decisions based on what they see, that is, how the product is presented, it makes even more sense that video marketing is so crucial for e-commerce brands.

You can showcase your products in the best light possible, highlight all their functions and features in clear detail, explain how to use them and how they work, and you can even show your products in action in your videos.


  • You can include purchase links in your video ads

Did you know that video ads allow you to include purchase links so that your viewers can immediately visit your site or landing page with just one swipe, one tap, or one click? When you invest in high-quality videos created by a trusted video agency, you not only ensure that you have the best content possible but that the technical aspects of the video in terms of marketing, such as the inclusion of URL links, the length of the video, the correct way of titling them, and providing optimized descriptions are also taken care of.


  • Video ads appeal to consumers’ short attention spans

Today, consumers have a short attention span, making it even more necessary for e-commerce brands to make an impact in a very limited amount of time. Video advertising allows exactly this, and you can ensure that you capture the attention of your viewers in just a few seconds. Video ads have been shown to consistently have higher engagement rates and time spent than other types of digital ads such as plain images and texts.

Remember, you must make an impact to keep them hooked in the first few seconds of the video if you want your videos to do what they were designed to do.


  • You get to control the narrative

The great thing about video marketing is that you are in complete control of the narrative of the ad. Instead of simply hoping that your audience gets the intended message, you can show them what you want them to take away clearly using your video content.

E-commerce is an industry heavily guided by visuals. You must make sure that your audience sees exactly what you want them to see. With high-quality video ads, you can be certain that there is no room for miscommunication, and the message you send is received the way it was intended to.


  • Video ads are perfect opportunities for user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is becoming increasingly popular because of its unique ability to create genuine, honest, and authentic content. UGC gives a human touch to your videos, making them look and feel unscripted and raw. This is much more appealing to your audience, who are used to having highly-produced and carefully-scripted brand videos thrown at them.

Some common examples of user-generated content include customer reviews, customer testimonials, and influencer marketing. Including these in your videos will make a huge difference.

  • Video advertising can help improve SEO ranking

Another reason why video advertising is so crucial for e-commerce brands is that it can improve your SEO ranking. This can increase your site traffic significantly and help you increase sales. When customers search for keywords related to what your site is selling, that is, the products and services you offer, your site will appear on the top of the search result page, making it more likely that users will click on it compared to if you appeared on the bottom of the first page or the second page. 

Google gives preference to videos because of how much more engaging they are. Video marketing could work wonders for your business because of this.


  • It helps in building credibility and trust 

Video ads help in building credibility and trust for your e-commerce business. It shows your audience that you have invested in creating high-quality visual content to earn their trust and prove that you are a reliable and legitimate business. With so many scams and hoaxes online, people are increasingly becoming warier. They don’t trust brands that easily. So, a video ad is an opportunity for your brand to brief your audience on what your business is all about.

The key to creating a high-quality and successful video advertising campaign is to work with a trusted and experienced video agency. Working with the right agency will ensure that your vision comes to life exactly how you want it, without any need for compromise. 

If you are interested in video marketing, video production, and having video content made for you, then check out Melty Cone; they are a video production marketing company in NYC and are happy to talk with you about your video needs!

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!