How To Optimize Video Advertising For Your Brand in 2021

In the era of social media, a video has become the fastest way to reach a lot of people. The audiovisual aspect of marketing and outreach has been a mainstay since the 80s but social media has seen a triumphant return of the platform. With everyone having access to smartphones with great cameras there have never been more videos produced than today.

In 2021, video production and video marketing will be two industries that will steadily rise. This is because most of the things that go viral these days are conveyed in the form of video. It easily grabs the audience’s attention and seems to be the most preferred way of online media consumption.

The great thing about videos is that it is not only the younger generation that has accepted this format of media, even older generations have switched from radio to media. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik-Tok really focus on video content over anything and the rise of Tik-Tok only shows the popularity of video these days.

For a Video agency these days their video content should be on top of their game. With the standard of video quality rising every day, video agencies can do the following things to ensure your video stays relevant and up to the mark just like your brand.

1. Video Optimization

Each social media is different and should be treated as such. This also means that certain formats and dimensions would prevail over others on the platforms. While Facebook is one of the most flexible in terms of dimensions, length, and video style, Instagram and Tik-Tok have certain formats that do better than others. Instagram and Facebook both have options to have the video in long or short forms, and also whether it is in landscape or in portrait mode.

On the other hand, Tik-Tok only allows portrait videos. Technically speaking you can shoot in landscape mode too but the black sidebars would be a nuisance that you will have to deal with. The video quality would not matter if your video is not optimized for different social media, in short, all your work would go to waste.

Also, you would want to add subtitles to your videos. Most of the time the social media will auto play the video without the sound being on. You want to tell the people what the video is about in the first few seconds itself. Subtitles will help you in retaining your viewers and keeping them engaged for a longer time.

2. Quality Matters

Gone are the days of the 90s where your funny home video would get you cash prizes on national TV. With the quality of the equipment that is coming out these days there no excuse for poor quality footage in your video ads. Most people would like the television-quality of content on their phone.

Whether or not people have the internet to buffer your 4k video you should give them this option nonetheless. Many people stop watching the video due to its poor quality. You do not want to be one of those videos.

3. Do Something Unique

Social media might be a great platform for your brand but if you don’t do something different then it is very easy to get type casted. People often forget about the generic things that they see which is not what you want for your brands. Usually, the ads that tell a story get the most responses and engagement. They are also the ones that are remembered for a long time. A warm and blissful ad will still be talked about years after. Being associated with such an ad does wonders for your brand image in the long run.

People are more willing to trust you if they are comfortable investing their time and money through your ad. You can think of your ad as the first impression on your potential clientele.

4. Short and Simple

Our lives have become incredibly fast-paced and not everyone has the time to look at a slow-paced video. The first 5 seconds are crucial in getting people interested and the rest of the video should be short and simple too. Many of these ads do very well on social media as most people skip ads altogether. You should be able to convey maximum information even before the skip ad option appears on the screen.

There is no point in building up hype or suspense in your ad. If people want to know more they can simply visit your website. Do not overcomplicate things by telling everything you want to in the video. Video advertising or video ads have to have only the essence of the brand.

5. Creativity is King

You don't have to make ads that tell about your product in general. Your ad can also not have the goal of selling your services but just increasing brand awareness. Anything unique or offbeat will also be appreciated. What you must make sure of is that the ad is creative and uses a mix of technique and story-telling. A catchphrase or animated elements in your ad can bolster it in the memory of others. This later leads to a positive association of the brand with various things.

Whether it is your first time making an ad or you are a veteran, all brands can benefit from having quality video ads for them. Not only do they represent the product or service you are trying to sell but also the values and ethics of the organization. For a one-stop solution for all your video content needs check out Melty Cone - new age video production company that is based out of New York.

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!