Your Guide To Using Zoom For Video Marketing

Video marketing is an ever-evolving concept that takes new forms with the emergence of new mediums. The goal is the same as always, make people watch your videos and influence them to do a certain action. But with the widespread popularity of Zoom, do you need to change your Video Marketing Strategy?

Video advertising was first only reserved for TV, then came Youtube and social media and video content suddenly had more mediums than ever. These new mediums only propelled the growth of the video production houses and in 2021, video ads are in high demand. They also happen to be the most effective way of marketing as they provide an audiovisual experience to the consumer. 

Your marketing strategy should focus on video ads as they make a greater impact on the people. But how would you incorporate Zoom into it? 

Below we mention what Zoom is and how you can use it for your own video marketing ads. There are multiple ways to use the platform and here are a few of them and why Zoom is important in 2021. 

What is Zoom?

One of these new mediums is “Zoom”. It is a video conferencing/ chatting app that has taken over household names in the industry. With its growing popularity, it is safe to say that you should focus on Zoom for maximum reach in the marketplace.

Zoom was founded in 2011 as a dial-up video conferencing app that took place with the help of screen share. Due to continuous research and development, the app was developed to be easy to use and intuitive. In 2021 during the peak of the pandemic, Zoom has been a hit among old users and new users alike. Over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies use Zoom to conduct their virtual meetings now. 

Why Zoom?

Even though Zoom may not look like something that someone would advertise on, due to its popularity, it could be your best bet to advertise on it. You and your team can use Zoom to capture video content which you can later use in your own video ads. Recording calls or webinars is very easy on Zoom, this gives you more content for your video ads and shows the more approachable side of you. 

You can use the video recorded from the webinars to give people a glimpse of what you offer. You can capture the enthusiasm of your team and show people that you have a dynamic and energetic work environment. This works well even for interviews and reviewing calls with clients. You can show your consumers how you go about things in your company and how you deal with clients. 

Make sure you have the explicit permission of the person whose image or video you are using. Customer testimonials on video also help your brand’s image and people have a positive reaction to such stuff. Your brand or business will benefit immensely from video testimonials by customers. Zoom can be a great way of capturing these reviews. 

These videos show that not only do you have real-life customers but they are also thoroughly satisfied with the product or service offered. In the video, you can ask them to explain why they bought the product/service and how they have been using it. Are they satisfied with it? Will they recommend this to other people? 

Capturing such reviews and interactions gives your business or brand more credit. It makes people trust you more easily as the reviews are coming from regular people. It is in your best interest to prepare for these interactions beforehand. You should look smart and presentable with a script. Practice what you are going to say beforehand and have the questions ready before you start recording too. 

Sometimes these interactions, whether it be a review or webinar, can be too long. But fear not, you can use parts of the same footage in a variety of ways. These Zoom videos can lead to great conversion and help you in brand awareness too. Always preserve both the video and audio files of the interactions as sometimes the video file might get out of sync with the audio. You can easily replace the video file's audio if you have a separate audio file. 

Leveraging Zoom

As you can see, all these videos can be used in a variety of formats so that they generate conversion or add value to your brand. The key thing to know is that you should ask people for permission to use them in your videos and make sure that the video ads are to the point.

Why Hire A Video Agency

A video agency can help you in editing this content and advise you on video production too. Zoom might not look like a great platform for video advertising at first, but as mentioned earlier, can be a game-changer in 2021. The video content that you can make using Zoom would give a great insight into the company and can be easily used to bring people into the marketing funnel. 

If you are looking for a video agency in NYC, then we at Melty Cone would be more than happy to help you. We assist brands in video marketing, video production and also offer video content services. We have worked with many reputed brands and have delivered great content customized to their needs. Melty Cone takes customer satisfaction very seriously, and we will work tirelessly till your video needs are met. 

Lucas Chu

Melty Cone is a full service video production company in NYC. We make commercials, corporate videos, branded content, brand videos and the best videos in New York!