Best Video Production Marketing Company, Videographer NYC, New York, NJ, New Jersey

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Make 2021 Better For Your Business By Hiring A Video Production Agency

With every smartphone having a great camera these days, it has become really easy to make videos for anyone. Videos are a great audiovisual way to reach your customers and have better branding. A company that invests in video usually has better customer confidence in its products and services.

While the sheer availability of video equipment has made it very convenient to make videos, does it mean better quality too? Here are a few things you should ask yourself before you make a video for our brand.

1. Can you make a great video?

In this day and age, mediocrity is not acceptable. If you want your video to stand out, then you’ll have to spend some money on it. Hiring a full-fledged "Video Production Agency" almost guarantees a great video. This video will be your first point of contact with the world. You must make sure that the video is crisp and detailed but short and to the point.

This will help you bring in new clients or customers for your business. A video agency will make the video with many b-rolls and clear transitions, which is hard to achieve with just a smartphone.

Think of it like this, the chances of you being talented enough to compete with a professional videographer are slim. And if you are good enough, you might be in the wrong line of work then. This is why you should think about hiring a professional video production agency.


2. Lighting 

Anyone who clicks pictures or makes videos will tell you that the hardest part of getting a shot correct is the lighting. Different types of light will have a different impact on the final shot. Plus, the intensity and color of the light also define the shot to a very large extent. Thus, one should hire a professional to get this issue sorted.

The video agency will have controlled settings where they know how the shot will come out in the end. This will help in eliminating the guesswork out of the final edit, and you will have an easy time dealing with this aspect.

If you think sunlight would cut it for your video, then you are wrong. Sunlight is a variable source of light that may or may not be the best tone for the platform.


3. Noise and audio needs

You captured the perfect moment when you meet a dog outside. You want to post this video on your social media. The only problem is that the blaring horn by a passing car makes the video unbearable to watch. You did not notice this while you were meeting the dog, but now it is a problem. What are you going to do to mute the audio?

Audio can be a tough nut to crack, especially if factoring in how many factors are not in your control. A person who produces video content regularly is very familiar with such aspects. This becomes crucial if you are planning to run videos as video advertising or video ads. A professional would know how to reduce the background noise or get rid of it altogether. They will also have the right equipment to record the audio without noise. This is crucial, as you investing in audio-video equipment would not get the same results as the audio plugins. And editing is a whole other craft as compared to the video.


4. Why would you take on such a thing?

Video is a very tricky subject. If you remember watching a video and laughing at it due to the low production value and messy cuts, then tomorrow that could be you too. Amateur video making takes years of experience to transform into the polished product that is often released by companies. You can easily harm the company’s image with a tacky video. Ask yourself this, if the video is bad would you want to be the one responsible for it. 

Take the load off yourself and hire a video company and focus on the video marketing aspect of it. The people at the video company will be more than happy to tell you more about the whole process and how to reduce external factors. Until you learn all about it, you should leave it to the seasoned professionals.


5. The risks

You investing your time and money into the videos alongside your regular day job would definitely increase your stress levels. This would be just the opposite of what people try to do in their lives. Instead of reducing the stress in your life, you are openly welcoming it. This never pans out well for the person. 

Another overlooked aspect of the video is the storytelling. The video agency would have far more experience than you in this department. They can pace the video in such a way and order that a definite story is told. Even if it is about a product or service, they time the shots for maximum impact on people. The video consumers will be able to tell the difference.

At the end of the day, a tacky video could drive away the potential market that you could otherwise have covered. This potential loss of clients could be bad for the business, and you can be held responsible for it. For a guaranteed professional video, hire a video production agency.

If you are interested in video marketing, video production, and having video content made for you, check out Melty Cone -  a professional video production marketing company in NYC.